Find Your Happy Place(s)


As a single (and fabulous, obviously) lady who doesn't enjoy going out or crazy drinking, I had to learn to find my happy places in this big city.

Places that make me happy, literally.

The tea shop that has live jazz music every Thursday, the fountain at Lincoln Center, or the hidden garden in Upper West Side.

Last summer it was the Great Lawn at Central Park, but this summer has been so muggy that I simply can't.

This summer I found it in my lovely neighbor, the American Museum of Natural History with my dear friend, The Blue Whale.

Lying under its white belly, it always makes me feel calm and peaceful. Sometimes I bring my sketch book and jot down ideas, sometimes I break down my week on my planner, and sometimes I just zone out.

An impromptu picnic in the park is another good one. I had my first picnic at the Riverside Park last week with Amy. It was hot, but the shade of the willow tree kept us cool. Wine and cheese helped, too.

It's a big world. Wherever you are, find a place that makes you happy.

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