Wanderlust 2017: The Adirondacks


Three years ago I impulsively went on a camping trip for the first time in my life, and I did it by myself.

I was going through an ugly breakup, and the Acadia National Park magically made me feel everything was going to be okay.

Ever since that trip I had wanted to go solo camping again, and it finally happened this summer. Apparently I felt the need to accomplish something more challenging this time - I ended up booking six nights at the Saranac Lake Islands Public Campground.

It's a boat-access only campground, and I had never held a paddle in my life.

Good. Times.

Like a nerd would, I did all my research, purchased all the gear and watched all the "How to Do a J-Stroke" and "How to Car-Top Your Canoe" videos on Youtube. I rented a car, and off I went. (With Harry Potter audiobook playing the entire drive, of course.)

I was so prepared; so nervous, yet so excited.

It didn't go as smoothly as I expected because you know, #life. I left the lakeshore in a canoe, hands gripping the paddle, heart pounding in my chest, and I got caught in a storm.


The rain was coming down so hard that I couldn't keep my eyes open. I wasn't experienced enough to know to keep the canoe perpendicular to the wave. It was getting dark. I didn't know where I was.

The canoe kept rocking violently. I thought I was going to tip over.

"Don't give up," I thought, "Just get your feet on a piece of land."

So I did.

I tied the canoe to a tree, unloaded all my gear, and pitched the tent in pouring rain.

Two days later I canoed back out to the marina where I could get Wi-Fi, called home, and broke down completely.

I don't know what I was trying to prove by choosing to do something so risky, but I finally realized there was nothing to prove to begin with.

I can just be me.

Mountains and skies are so good for the soul. I hiked and read. I stared at the water and let my mind wander. I sat by the fire and listened to the burning wood crackle. I breathed in the cold, cold morning air, and I smiled.

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